Thanks to recent inventions and scientific revolutions, including those which were provided to us by our brilliant Angel of Prudence, astronomy too was affected and advanced. We were able to study far beyond previously possible, understanding not just our star system, but limitless vasts of space too. Stray light from our planet’s ring system is interfering in exploration of night sky, making it much harder to track even local planets from certain regions sometimes, but a twin set of newer built telescopes on Toe Cape of Feet Republic and Southern Promontory of Her West Forearm Peninsula are coordinating with each other, glancing as far as couple galaxy clusters away. Astronomers believe that the next step in cosmic observation would be to send powerful telescopes into orbit, or even beyond our planet… but considering that every atom of physical matter we use is gathered from Her flesh, with allowance by Her grace, Herquisition is considering this speech unforgiving and ignorant, though not blasphemous anymore.

At the center of our system is a contact binary: two equal size hydrogen-helium stars, Shata and Nata (Delightful and Beautiful from ancient language of the Giants), slowly orbiting and barely touching each other. Considering how young their contact is, we should have no fear of them merging into a luminous explosion for hundreds of millions of years, and hopefully by that time we will find a way to get rid of verminous Serpent from this Existence. When Nata and Shata are perfectly positioned it in the sky resembling Her holy symbol it is considered a great day for body or spirit (depending which star rises first).

Main planetary formation of our star system comprised of eight planets: Salameni, Junaarta, Proteramon, Meorenell, Naurolan, Circel-Pata, Pharofarus and Zarosharil. All named after virtues of the Giants on their language, except for our home – Meorenell, which translates to “Meora’s rest”. In ancient times we believed that other these planets are seven shards of Her lost eye, and each shard observes and judges our purity for one of seven sins.

Salameni (Patience) is the smallest and closest planet to Shata-Nata. Scorching hot with a hostile environment of constant volcanic activities, greenschist slush and pools of molten copper deposits should dominate the surface even at night. The atmosphere is dense and thick, mainly composed of carbon dioxide and argon. Two formless rock surround it on a very low orbit as natural satellites for a time being.

Junaarta (Temperance) and Proteramon (Kindness) sisters are second and third planet respectfully. Both planets are barren, with no activity and fully depleted atmosphere. Their orbit paths are just 0.06 light seconds apart from each other, and they will most likely collapse when get in close proximity, but this contact should not happen for the next 255 million years, as right now they are orbiting on relatively same speed with a current orbital distance of 67 degrees.

Junaarta’s many dried volcanic creeks and craggy basaltic highlands are covered in thick layer of sulfuric sand and potassium dust. Traces on equatorial deserts suggest that the planet had at least some thin layer of atmosphere less than a thirty thousand years ago, but eventually lost even that for some reason. Barely any impact craters can be seen on a planet’s wrinkled landscape, many suggest anything that would reach Junaarta was attracted by Proteramon. A single gray moon Rian follows it.

Proteramon show signs for plentiful of metal deposits on its smooth ammonia-oxidized surface, and a network of subterranean tunnels with ammonia water under the crust of its northern pole is present. Many impact craters scattered on the southern hemisphere, half of which is a consequence of a meteor swarm from billions of years ago; but the most important one is on equator – fresh, a few thousand years. Every Engifted knows where it is without seeing it, as it always calls for us.

Meorenell is the Fourth Planet, chosen by Meora to be our home… and a prison for the Alleater. It has no moons, but a faint ring system that is composed of ice dust and small rocks laced with Her gorgeous arms broken into billions of shards. It is almost impossible to tell anything about what Meorenell was before Meora arrived – she covered the entire planet with her locks and tails, a layer of a dozen kilometers thick. No one dares to dig to deep, as a respect of Her will and as a fear of Its Envy. Considering other bodies in our system, this planet could be similar to Proteramon.

Naurolan (Charity) is the only planet in this system that can be naturally habitable for us. Lush terrain, with an oxygen-rich thick atmosphere, and liquid, hopefully drinkable, water. Night side is often wreathed in haze. Most exciting fact is that after prolonged observation it was concluded that unknown intelligent tribe lives on this planet, and right now they should be in their bronze age of development. A lot of scenarios and questions were raised about this new civilization: was it Meora who gave birth to them? Can they be influenced by the Serpent? Or they already are? How they should be treated when we meet?… How should we treat our own kin, when they are born and raised on another world, not from Her flesh and tears? Observation of this civilization is what made Herquistion reconsider views on space exploration and rewrite many social laws, prompting heated debates in their chambers on how to advance and progress our civilization beyond Meorenell.

Circel-Pata (Humility) is the sixth, largest and last terrestrial world of our system. Massive crater on one hemisphere and thick natural Kessler syndrome tells about cataclysm that happened on this planet billions of years ago, causing significant damage and wiping any ecosystem clean – making it impossible for future life to exist there. Extensive deposits of platinum, silver, nickel and cobalt can be observed inside rim area of the great crater. Not a lot more to tell about this dead planet.

Pharofarus (Chastity) is a mostly hydrogen-helium gas giant. Vast lightning storm fronts, constant ammonia rainfalls and lethal radiation emissions as the result of helium ionization. It unsurprisingly have only a handful of survived satellites, while other were either swallowed by Pharofarus itself or stolen by Zarosharil billions of years ago.

On the edge of our system is Zarosharil (Diligence) – another gas giant. Traces for high content of sodium and chlorine in its atmosphere. With a mass approximately six time that of Pharofarus, it is the biggest planet in the system and a source of deep gravity well which tugs many outer system travelers. It has 225 satellites, ranging from captured asteroids to a couple moons the size of Salameni. An immense ring can be observed even with basic telescopes.

Beyond that is a massive asteroid belt and scattered discs of smaller rocks, ammonia ice, asteroids, dwarf planets and space radiation.






There are constant rules imposed by the existence, some we know through discoveries and science, and some we still need to uncover. With each discovery we understand more, and with more knowledge we gather about reality – the easier it is to grasp how we can transform it, be you Engifted or not.

Overdependence on miracles manifested by the Gift and breaking of such rules was hindering our natural progress and understanding of this world through most of the Age of Crumbling, but bits of knowledge discovered in remote neighborhoods, shared to each other and eventually gathered together created a full view of what really is and what is just imaginations of Engifted devised for the betterment of us all. In time it was not just Meority progressed technologically, but Engifted possibilities were elevated as well.

One big question still stands: do we understand the reality as it is, or do we understand the reality which was designed for us by our Allmother?






“Today is the Fourth day of the Month of Thiccpril, Year One Thousand One Hundred Seventy of the Age of Aspects, the Year of Family Force; Seventy-secondth day since natural passing of all-beloved and honorable Flatia Bellus III, of venerable and esteemed Ventero dynasty, former benevolent Malika of Waist, undivided Queen of Tum, Lord of Continuous Peace and foremost Sovereign on the Sea of Birth, harmoniously she reigned for three centuries; born trice blessed – born witnessed by Meora on Bornday, born to a Sacred Tribe one of Eight, and born Engifted with Creation; Seventy-secondth day of a seventy-three-day Mourning for Flatia Bellus III departure, be she remembered Joyful in Mind, Gorgeous in Body and Righteous in Deeds to all generations and to our Joyful and Gorgeous Allmother.”


It is a leverage to tap into the essence of the Existence and become a single reason with it. A way to unobey its laws, or structure new ones. One who is blessed by our Joyful and Gorgeous with this Gift is empowered to ask questions to the Stars and hear the Existence to give its answers.

Modern scientific believe is that the Gift is part of Her being – what we poses are just mere splinters of shattered true power we absorb through our lives. Same as when we consume harvest grown from Her flesh and drink Her tears – the Gift becomes part of us, for some more, for some less, but eventually it returns back to Her with our bodies, and then gifted again to others.

The vehemence of all Engifted depends first on intensity of Gifts bestowed to them by Meora. Most can suspect they are blessed, but never powerful enough to manifest miracles, as it is far from their control than own heartbeat. Some are able to bend tangibility without realizing it as much as people who surround them, attributing strange events to normality of luck. Those few who are truly aware of their potentials use the Gift and toil hard in Her name, accepting duties of being blessed ones. Rarest of all wield tremendous might – their’st actions reshape Meorenell and its history.

Alas true potential of Engifted comes from creativity and perception of reality in their own minds; to bend the reality is to understand it first. One can imagine how a metal rod gets hued with myriads of hot white colors before it melts, another can go deeper into atomic level and comprehend how every of trillions of atoms move in chaos transforming elemental mass into liquid, but a few would befriend Miss Rod and make her flux with blushing embarrassment – variable approaches for different minds.

Most Engifted understand logic of the Existence surrounding us, and therefore can briefly transform that logic to create miracles. But the greater one’s Gift – the heavier its weight on one’s mind and sanity: if not for our understanding then most powerful Enifted would be considered insane and deranged, but in actuality they see the truth of surrounding reality in different planes, and these truths seep out of their minds and suppress the Existence around, allowing them to create something that shouldn’t exist.

The Gift doesn’t manifest in mind alone, but in flesh too: Engifted body is destined to live longer, it don’t get sick with pity illnesses and suppress viruses, very quick to heal wound and even grow back limbs. As well bodily anomalies and even environment changes they unable to control and can only accept as part of themselves. Inherently, our Engifted sisters are more perfected in Her image than others.

Through benefaction and permission of our Allmother on whose body we live and to whom our lives are beholden, The Gift of Creation can manifests its miracles in various forms, sometimes not easy to abstruse or comprehend, especially when they are originated from highly-vehement Engifted, but by the wisdom of Herquisitorial Supreme Council of Her’s a simple type-classification was devised: to streamline understanding of common and major groups of miracles.

  • Channeling

The most basic way to understand, classify and consciously use own Gift. Envisioning an act of worldbending upon the world you sensate and casting it forth into reality. It all depends on what an Engifted desires and can truly perceive in her mind in most perfect detail. Hence concentration and reaction are significant qualities for an Engifted: a full control over own body and mind when emotions and senses can easily become mental distractions, severing a thought and prevent miracles from unfolding, or as well they can become a catalyst that veils vision with a fright imagination – an unfinished though can lead to wrong results. In most cases the reality heals itself when Engifted meddle with its nature, or Meora rectifies mischief of Her children, but in cases of faulty miracles it is better if nothing happens at all when they can hurt Engifted themselves while they burn a wound on actuality.

Although power is not unlimited, as much as range at which Engifted can deed a worldbending, but the greater the Gift – the further and easier are borders of possibilities. As well, the Channeling is still partially a physical process of a dynamic brain activity, which burns a significant amount of one’s body’s energy. Low-grade Engifted require greater continuous concentration, knowledge and visualization to create miracles – a process which boring and tiring mind. mid-grades can show greater results with concise effort of thinking and less sensitivity to distractions, although more effort will bring even greater results, as well as more knowledge of natural and physical laws will carry more flawless miracles; high-grade Engifted need not to understand how the world exist, nor they need to indulge in detailed imagination – what they fantasy will happen, a miracle will be even if unnatural to reality.

However, what happens when two equally-powerful Engifted warriors meet, and a shield that can halt anything is hit by a spear which pierce through everything?

  • Artifacts

Objects filled to the brim with the essence of its’ Engifted users, endowed with abilities and powers that can be wielded even by regular people… if its safe and stable enough.

Though Engifted can channel the Gift directly into any objects, these dry out to normal state the moment they are not in use. True Artifact are made without intentions – through years and decades of use and bearing. Trinkets, weapons of war, tools of creation alike, and more than just that. Most common artifacts are remains of Engifted of course, especially their bones – after soaking in the Gift for an entire bodily life, they can become a pure source of vitality and healing for others. Sometimes text written by vehement Engifted are filled with control over minds, or a paintings made by them may become animated. It is not always clear what is and Artifact and what powers they posses.

Many of Artifacts are allowed to be used as soon as possible when a befit bearer found, before they dry out of inner powers. However, some are protected and venerated for their sacred and historical nature, eventually being withered by the time itself.

Of course same logic and understanding is applied to pestigeous degenerations created by the followers of the Serpent – Cursed Artifacts. Whenever one is find it shall be destroyed, no matter how weak or useful it is may be. It is a cancer on Her body and shall not continue sickening Her.

  • Lord’s Domain

Engifted Lords of Creation are known to shape the Existence itself – not just changing surroundings, but expanding what shouldn’t exist into a reality they share with us, creating cove worlds their sub-consciousness demands.

Domains a truly rare and precious miracles which may be created only when a Solsticed Engifted dwells too much time in one place or gives it substantial meaning, affecting it with prolonged and intense abnormality of own presence. Eventually a World to her likeness would be created – a simple shallow well will lead into a deep ocean and a painting on a teapot shall becomes a gate to an imagined tangibility.

Creator of such Domain can come and go as she pleases, while others… it all depends on said Domain, and never static anyway.

As far as it is explored Domains are small expansions of reality: they may contains own laws of being, but alike to bulges and folds on a fabric of a cosmic dress upon Her’s body, Domains are part of this existence, and once you straighten them into normality – everything unnatural inside them will be forever dispersed like never existed.

  • Animation

Although creation of life by the Gift is forbidden, different art is allowed. Animated – classification of a life’s parody, a creature without mind, organs, goal nor emotions. A clump of matter given short functions to fulfill, extension of its creator’s will, exists only to follow order: never to question, never to anguish, never to joy.

There are various forms, techniques and uses of Animated: from a full-sized puppets to a liquid-mimics, from a command of an endlessly repeating movement to an artificial awareness with corresponding predetermined actions towards surrounding activity, from a child’s toy to a war gear.

The Gift of Creation is a name given by us, Her children, but as well behind this name is a tool of destruction. There are activities and uses of the Gift which are forbidden and regulated by Herquistion. Even Knowledge about most of them is classified, in fear of someone trying to find a way to repeat and maybe achieve a much worse outcome.

Albeit some historical catastrophic miracles are known – it is hard to hide truth about them, but there is no need when they are not often told about. One of such was an aftermath of Ekunarian battle, year forty five BAA. The Hegemony forces were chasing defeated rebels to the Great Thigh Plateau for two weeks after the battle. Eventually they caught on and slaughtered what left of the rebel group, setting a celebratory encampment same night. And same night a colossal and terrific cloud of fire was risen from where the festive to be, visible from far away cities. Her body could be felt shaking through entire Thigh Region. All life was exterminated around that site, and nor more would reside there for decades. When centuries later people were able to safely explore that land again, what was found is a horrific mark on Her body – a crater as vast as biggest cities known.

No aware of who caused it, what grade that Engifted may be, or was it a single Engifted anyway, but it is concurred to be a result of the Gift usage. And whenever Herquistion knows the truth or not, such knowledge is proscribed for exploration. Although, people can only guess if there are more and baleful miracles are hidden in their archives.

Re-creation and transformation of sentient life through the Gift is a forbidden art.

It was a cosmic miracle when Allmother gave birth to all life on Meorenell, but no Engifted of any vehemence will ever be successful to repeat that even if amalgamate together. Very Angels of Grace themselves sacrifice own flesh to let Great Trees sprung, so what a lesser Engifted can hope for?

Our minds never comprehend enough understanding of a Life as She does – any complex creature designed by the Gift of Creating does not exist for long, as any attempt creates only a suffering pulp of flesh. A result, if trying one, is abhorrent to see. Even plants and tress are withering fast and produce the most repugnant fruits worthy only a poison, though it is possible and allowed to manipulate most of flora for its biological simplicity – supporting it growth and harvest.

Such interdict on biology as well include advanced medical use of the Gift: a mistake done during an attempt to heal grievous wounds of another can lead to ramification worse, thus solely a supportive use of the Gift during regular medical means is more practical, or a basic help and alleviation by a trained iatric Engifted is advised, especially if its a personal doctor. As well as self-heal is more preferred – the Gift affect body of its user much differently than other organisms, more like restructuring itself to befit healing calls of a mind and then slowly revert it back to a natural state while functionality stays in tact.

Classification System, as constituted by Herquisition administration and approved by the Supreme Council of Her’s in Year 20 AA, to qualify mentality and vehemence of Engifted, blessed in Her Light they are twice. Encompasses eight individual grades from those poses least vehement Gift to those who are exemplar of Creation. In rising order they are: Glimmer, Glint, Spark, Blaze, Enshined, Luminant, Radiant and Solsticed. First four grades are also divided into Dim and Bright ranks.

Upon evaluation of own grade, it is required for sistren to accept themselves and find proper values to own possibilities as an Engifted. As well this classification helps through Meority in simplifying recognition of obligations a person can and shall bring with their Gift, for the engoodening of fellow sistren and benevolent Allmother.

Although this Classification System created only this age, Herqistion historians were carefully researching known and famous Engifted from the Age of Crumbling and awarded proper grades to heroes and queens of the past. Though it is hard to believe their work accurate with so many missing and oversaturated history.


  • Glimmer

They display the weakest possibilities of the Gift and not even considered or required to learn Doctrines. Herquisition researches believe that three forth of Glimmer-grade Engifted who live in rural or remote areas never to know about own abilities at all. In most cases Glimmers don’t even recognize themselves as Engifted and thus grade themselves as Inert, while friends and neighbors around them consider slightly strange events as a result of accidental luck or mishap. When channeling the Gift they can do miracles that are not much beneficial, but at least can be situationally useful in everyday life: create a flame as big as of candle or close small wounds by drawing a finger over it. No permanent physical changes appear on bodies of Glimmers as well.


  • Glint

Engifted of this grade are fully aware of it, even if their abilities are not as magnificent as what higher grade peers can manifest. They are encouraged to join Doctrines, at least basic ones, to nurture abilities they already have. With some effort and training Glints can use their Gift in regular work when it is applicable: they can easily generate a dense continuous flame size of a fist or freeze fresh meat just by touching it. As well small physical changes can be observed on Glints’ bodies, not very unnatural too – a lock of hair is forever of contrast-different color, or a birthmark of an interesting appearance.


  • Spark

Even so the Gift can be effectively used in a civil life, but sadly for prospects of destructive powers its primary utilization is against the enemies of Meority – from within and without. Engifted of Spark grade and higher are forthwith drafted for military service in most nations, or by demand of Herquistion, and decreed to complete Basic Doctrines with additional ones depending on their future assignment. Most Sparks serve in Remedy Forces or in support to Knights of Creation. Engifted of this grade are powerful enough to depend on their Gift in short fights one-on-one; but their miracles are still fundamentally based on rules of scientific reality we Meority understood, without too paranormal contortions: like creating balls of fire size of a head or slow movements of matter in surrounding bubble-area. Extended bodily anomalies are visible, be that unique shape of horns and ears, or somewhat aberrant skin changes.


  • Blaze

It is an honor to be born one, but too it is a responsibility – parasites are Infinite, and so does thou’s service in Her name. From early childhood Blazes are destined to become Knights of Creation of their nation. Under supervision of Herquistion intense Doctrine training and studies will be administered, and as great results are expected. With a greater power and without significant effort they can set an enemy aflame just when nearby, manipulate earth to impale foes, channel their blades to pass through toughest armor and make fist shatter when one dared to be raised. As well they can easily enhance constants of themselves – toughering body and sharpening reaction. Unique physical anomalies manifest on bodies of Blazes, often not standard to their biology, but still beautiful, be that fingers covered in reptile scales when not of reptile-type tribe or greatly unusual skin coloration and patterns.


  • Enshined

First of unstable. Engifted of this grade are merely more vehement than Blazes, but weight of the Gift on their mind is already starts showing. It is still easy to train and educate Doctrines to Enshined, but their mind has a chance to grasp wrong ideas, affecting future usage of the Gift. As well not every of them are disciplined or obey orders, often follow decision of their own, and use the Gift in irregular and eccentric ways, though that doesn’t mean inefficient. Miracles of Enshined may display superstitious elements, important and logical only for their insight, but largely useless to truly work (or it seems) – most common to discern are praying words and runes weaved into shapes and substances of manipulated matter, or specific colors determining various characteristics of a miracle. Bodily anomalies of Enshined are larger in size and may include more unnatural growths of non-organic matter as well as dermis patterns of… “magical origins”.


  • Limunant

Even more frantic in mind under pressure of the Gift they bear, not all of them are to become Knights of Creation officially – a handful few of Luminant can learn rule of authority and follow orders. Especially same goes towards many other civil professions where stability of surrounding reality is important, as not many can be taught Doctrines and keep themselves restrained to these orders. Yet, they always find their abode among Red Capes of Herquisition – enemies withing are growing, evolving, under no control, follow no rules, and so the one who hunts them shall have no restrains either. On top of greater bodily anomalies Luminant presence may constantly graze surroundings, especially on direct touch, leaving behind changes very much differ to laws of nature – and that is before they even use their gift with intentions. When Luminants use fire they not just simply incinerate their foes, but may set themselves in frozen flame too, sweeping entire room with a swarm of sparks only to walk away unburned, leaving behind shattered insect-eaten bodies.


  • Radiant

Radiants are blessed with the Gift, but also cursed. They are not hated, but venerated – their enjoyment of live is unwillingly sacrificed for an elevating power. Just a bare Anomalous Presence of Radiants is affecting the reality around them even in unconscious state – be that abnormal temperatures or appearance of ghostly paint on environment – a results of unintentionally insane wolrdview somewhere deep in their minds which make them believe in these anomalies to be part of the real world; it is recommended no to approach such Engifted or risk irreversible changes yourself, not always harmless. The same can be said about their social sanity – when you communicate with a Radiant, you unceasingly walk on a glass shards, where a wrong word can make you drown deeper.

As a result they can’t understand the same reality we do, they can’t commune with us as we can, they can’t wield technologies we able – the Gift of theirs is too vehement and mind is fever with frenzy thoughts. Even Four Great Nations and Herquisition not always find place for them on battlefields against the Serpent’s Evil, but when they do – Radiants are resembling a sun on an empty night sky, shining like the first light through ugly field of darkness.


  • Solsticed

The most powerful and puissant of Engifted receive titles of Solsticed – Paragon of Engifted. The very few of them live at the same time, let alone met, but a far away being of one is already enough for all of us to awe. Every Solsticed receive unique title of the Lord of Creation they will be known and remembered with in history.

Herquisitors, Queens nor Empresses – Solsticed don’t obey anyone and kneel only to Angels, and alike to Aspects they follow own frenzy call of deeds. Some are hiding in their Domain alone, some gather honorable Retinue of Resonants to march against Envasion, some rule over nations, and some… may go even madder than they are. Whatever they do – their actions will make a mark on our world.

Although compared to might and power of Aspects they still look like children with toys, Solsticed’s Anomalous Presence changes reality in a way we can only describe as Magic, as what is happening often has no logic or science behind it. It doesn’t matter if they are awake or slumber, vehemence of their Gift is continuously altering the Existence around them: when they believe white color is faster – then it is, when they believe to bear thickest bottom – then so be it, when they believe a shape of circle is magnifying view – then it does so, when they believe to levitate – then they are, and when they believe that normal world is set aflame – then all they look at is burning. As well, under influence of the Gift bodies of Solsticed are shaped into that of a greater beauty, recognizable but distant one of their tribe.

Today it is widely believed that every child of Meora is blessed with the Gift, but as not all are destined to be born with a spectacular bosom or elegant feet, not all are born with the Gift of any significance too. Whenever it is true or not, vast majority of people in Meority are bereft of ability to create miracles.

Very often it refers to rare occurrences of people (or living creatures in general) who can’t be affected by anomalous presence of a high-grade Engifted. Usually it is a person so dear to said Engifted, that her fear of harming repercussions subdues and nullifies effects of the Gift on or around said person. After all, life of most high-grade Engifted is lone and sad, they can’t even find kinship in each other, for their perceptions and delirium of reality clash when they meet. Forever they wish to share lives with sistren in full someday, a wish that never to come true. And so they travel Her Gorgeousness to find those few Resonants who they can touch and who can be kindred to them not from a distance. And when they find – they dear it greatly.

As well it refers to two or more Engifted of the same grade and vehemence, who are suppressing each other unintentionally, and therefore mutually restricting use of the Gift.

Some mid-grade Engifted can quell anomalous presence of high-grade peers too, but not stopping them from active use of the Gift.

Too it refers to a very few historic high-grade Enigfted who saw the world as it is, whose insight was not torn by madness under influence of the Gift, and therefore their presence kept reality as it shall be, stopping other Engifted from altering it in a distraught ways.







Meorenell standard calendar year, as constituted by Herquisition administration and approved by the Supreme Council of Her’s in Year 22, starts with the First Day, followed by 8 months, and ends with the Last Day. Each month is solemnized by one of Eight Sacred Tribes in honor of Holy Aspects of Her they are blessed with. Months are, in order: Feetruary, Kneevember, Thightober, Thiccpril, Tumtober, Absegins, Bustegnis, Neckus. Each month consist of 29 days.

A week cycle lasts 8 days, for Her every final Breaths of Creation, which are: Breethday, Wavesday, Grothday, Zversday, Bornday, Wisday, Voxday, Mournday. In most nations Zversday and Mournday are considered resting days; Mournday is always the day of mourning for our Allmother, as imposed by Herquisition after the First Assembly, albeit was traditioned before Age of Aspects.

Additionally, every 29 years a Seductive/Horny/Naughty/Lusty Day is added, between the Last Day of that year and the First Day of next year, to keep calendar years synchronized with planet’s orbital years.

A day is 32 Hours, one hours is 48 minutes, one minute is 64 seconds.






Who are we to Her? Are we Her last children, left to sorrow for our Allmother in the world that should be filled with bliss? Are we the echoes of long dead civilizations, corrupted and consumed by the Serpent in its path, but reborn anew by Her Light? Or are we Her last and most prefect creation, in body and mind beautiful alike Her, made to be wardens of the most Envious and malignant creature in all existences? After centuries of questioning we hear only silence.

Yet, we exist – and we are grateful to Her for that; She gave us alluring bodies – and we are grateful to Her for that too; she gave us free passionate will – and we are grateful to Her for that again… and so we choose. We choose to be sentinels of Her resting Gorgeous Body and sleeping Joyful Spirit. And whether She wanted it or not, we took to bear Her duties in this world while She is gone: we choose to be the Knights of Creation against the Perpetual Devourer. And we do so in Her name… In Her Light.

Exalted by Her Aspects, perfected in her Gorgeousness, and as Joyful in spirit. Eight Sacred Tribes, Most beloved and preeminent of Her children, revered by sistren, ushered by Angels.

Some believe that the Exaltation could be foretold beforehand: Eight Sacred tribes were already chosen when first born thousands years ago, why else their history was always bright and exceptional, while population was growing disproportionately and rapidly compared to others. Some believe The Exaltation itself happened the first day Tribes come forth from Her womb; Her Aspects lived among us for thousands of years until decided to reveal themselves, hidden careless of our folly, or served to as Queens and Empresses thought to be most sexiest and hottest, or designing miracles as we believed them to be just greatest Engifted of their time. Some other believe that Meora was testing Her children through Age of Crumbling, and Aspects were truly earned through devotion to Her Light: by rejection of Serpent’s temptation, by praising aesthetics of body and artistry of mind – and so at the Exaltation Day She blessed those most deservest and admired by Her and by other sisters .

Regardless, today Eight Sacred Tribes are bearers of Her Will and bringer of Her Light. With vivid ardor and fervor of Her Aspects in their mind to burn envious ugliness, with radiant beauty and seduction of their bodies to enrage the hungry darkness. Be they Gorgeous and Joyful forever, all carriers of Her Aspect, the most glorious of us!

Beside Eight Sacred Tribes there are twenty four lesser ones, who were not sublime enough to bear Her Aspects when the time of Exaltation has come, but still grateful to be Her children and be sisters to the sacred ones.

When first Angels were begotten: Angles said to aspectless tribes “Serve”, and so we knelt and served. And so twenty four tribes pledge their service, and service of their children, and service of their descendants. Pledging their service twice: in the name of chosen Aspects, and in the name of Allmother Meora – Gorgeous and Joyful.

We not understands how exactly First Angels decided to apportion subservient Tribes between each others, nor should we really care and question – but be only greatful. Some are physically similar to a Sacred Tribes they serve, some are mentally, some to to each other and not to their sovereigns. Regardless, we are twice glad to be servants in two names.

From Hamuns – begone after crusades of the Hegemony, to the Giants – quietly succumbed on Cursed Islands. Forever lost and outright perished. Age of Crumbling stole Her children, our sistren, because of nature, because of gnawing Envasions, because of our stupidity, and we still don’t know how many. Just last decade remains of two unknown tribes were found in recently discovered tunnels deep under the Sea of Birth, presumably drowned in Her tears like other extinct tribes of that time: when earth, they founded first settlements on, crumbled and took them all into the sea depths.

Right now we know that at least fifty Two tribes were born… and twenty of them are… must be mourned by us, who still live. It is our promise to Meora, our mother, to not let her cry again from sorrow, but only from bliss – and so we should not perish, but prosper and reproduce, so she feel only merriment after seeing children of her children.






Devoted but Lecherous

For centuries Ardem tribe has the largest population in Meority thanks to their immense desire for… procreation; and if not for low fertility rate of their eggs it would be extremely high way before current age. It comes from a fact that round every second month is a mating season for Ardem, during this time faint smell of cinnamon and fruits from their sweat and pheromones soars around. While growing appetite and infatuations can warn about incoming carnal desires beforehand, it became routinely for sistren of other tribes to expect minor delays or halts in some systems and infrastructures during these weeks. But we should pray first for Ardem’s othertribe partners, trapped and wrapped in web of endless love – it is a great challenge to survive emaciation and exhaustion and tortures of pleasures.

It doesn’t mean that outside of these seasons Ardem are not sexually active, after all its Ardem Engifted who founded “Slime and Tentacles” Doctrine as well as their engineers design various pleasure machines, but at least they are sober enough to become remarkably diligent and endeavorous members of society, committing themselves to amend “wasted” time, never afraid of assuming responsibility or take difficult tasks, performing best at their capacity and extra if possible. For Ardem laziness is inadmissible in bed and work alike, so they expect each other (and other tribes) to commit in full aptitude in every aspect of life, or face systemic contempt and scorn. In thought, it is presumed that they want to uphold societal stability for own good so they can continue dedicating themselves to what they enjoy, without worsening of benefits and qualities of life we achieved after centuries of progress.

Except… there is another way Ardem can channel their prurience. As much as they are passionate about sexual pleasures, it all comes to mental response from physical and psychical sensations, receiving or giving, and a minor re-wiring can easily turn desires for lust and procreation into frenzy of ruination. A mental switch that converts any Ardem into a vicious berserk who revels in carnage and seeks for pain.

Confrontation face-to-face with Ardem warriors in such state were always dreaded by other tribes: with razor-sharp blades on their quick tails, and piercing claws and fangs, they swiftly shred their victims in a carnival of flesh; not bothering if mangling themselves in the process, for their brain shuts off any limits on body – even if blades and hands are broken, and earth is soaking wet with own blood leaking from bone-shattered limbs – with a smile they will hunger for more pain, own and foe’s. The most terrifying thing is to realize that such amorous and seductive people like Ardem can turn into bloodthirsty creature not from hate or envy, or to protect what dearest to them, but for pure pleasure.

During less peaceful times of our history some nations would count Ardem as a major war asset, managing military campaigns according to their mating seasons and population on each side. Though, most disastrously infamous battles were made when both side would send their numerous Ardem on each other, resulting only in a combined wave slaughtering every othertribe sistren around – Ardem berserks don’t attack one another as long as they can sense different prey around.


As a result of highly promiscuous lifestyle Ardem are generally bisexual and don’t hold common concepts of a family – when ready for a long relationship they assemble into groups of a dozen or more mutual spouses called Garappe, where together they share one bed, parent responsibilities of future eggs and household-financial problems… but especially bed. In such relationship Ardem don’t elude to secret affairs: flirt is acceptable to find new spouses for Garappe, yet faithfulness is expected to the rest of relationship from now on, for a sole exception being a participation in Carnal Rites within a Church of Thighs with the rest of familiar congregation. As well Ardem immunity system is untouchable by venereal diseases (which are so few and innoxious among other tribes anyway).

Ardem comprise of four distinct genetic groups: Ardem De are the most common and most lustful of them; Ardem Va are truly vicious – they often turn to violent side of inner nature instead of procreation, spending time hunting for Cults of Envy or Jealous Beastiary, hence they are genetic minority; Ardem Al are sanguineous in a different way – they are fascinated with feeling of pain and prefer very rough and extreme activities for body and mind, so if you don’t make them moan from pleasures of agony… then it will be you; Ardem Do are the shy ones (for their kin) – sexual drive is not as licentious, mating seasons are shorter and they can even bond to a single partner for a long standard marriage.

Unlike many other tribes, instead of commonly structured nose with nostrils Ardem have four spiracle-like orifices on their necks with “nasal” cavities surrounding trachea tube before connecting to it slightly below. Respiratory system, however, is still connected to Pharynx for voice modulation through use of airflow. Under primary eyes there are two smaller ones which can see ultraviolet light. Besides scalp Ardem are absolutely hairless. Syringe-like fangs designed to quickly deliver substance from venom glands in a swift bite, and in Ardem’s case it is an aphrodisiac fluid: compatible with most sistren tribes but highly potent thence dangerous.

Spinnerets located on each wrist under carpus, and are typically segmented into three orifices, each producing own filament. Silk glands located in forearms inner side and between bones. Combining filaments from both arms can produce silk thread strong enough to hold weight of own weaver, and when Ardem fully emptying silks glands they can produce a thread of such strength forty times longer than own body height. For more precise work on web Ardem use nails on hands to separate and move filaments around.


Ardem adore all bodies – because body is art. Comfortable with openly exhibiting own beauty and sensuality, they, as a widely spread tribe, set an example which sistren tribes quickly followed, and eventually Expressions of the Body were seen as meritorious since before preserved history (in reasonable suggestive limits of course, unless Revealing is imposed by religion or status). Expressions of the Body is an Ardemial founding philosophical principle – not sexual lust, but aesthetic love and appreciation of bodies granted to us by our Allmother, as arousing and hot as She intended. Our flesh is made of Her flesh, thus these bodies are not to be ashamed or hidden, but to be presented in all beauty for each other to admire, which also means duty of ours is keeping these bodies healthy and fair as they are given – a healthy mind in a gorgeous body. Evidently until middle Age of Crumbling Ardem were almost naked in good weather, wearing just sandals and loose loincloth, but in time other tribes influenced them too, and Ardem understood that clothes shall be, but not to conceal our bodies, no, they believe otherwise – clothes are first to complete and emphasize our gorgeousness, to add more flair and heat.

There was no peculiarity in Ardem migration patterns during Age of Crumbling, with a rapidly growing population they would settle on every new lands that was discovered. Ancient ruins all over Northern Continent suggest that even back then Ardem were already devoting themselves to faiths in Her Bottom and successfully captivating other tribes to join. Although it was forbidden by the Hegemony, Ardem kept praying in secrecy for two millennia.

After the Church of Thighs was established and second Angel of Love was pronounced as the Matriarch of Thighs in first century AA, Ardem flock to the Northern Continent where her teachings are spread wide, and avoid Realms of Bosom where it is less welcomed. Though every Sacred Tribe worship their Aspect, Ardem are so passionate and dedicated to Angel of Love and Her Church, They all as much believe themselves to be her spouses and not jealous each other. As well it is hard to find any Ardem goods and services which are not adorned with a Rune of Love or Trigon of Hips and Thighs.

Through spiritual discipline, prayers on Thighs and Carnal Rites, Ardem embrace and rejoice inner desires, as well as train abstinence and perseverance against them while contemplating lovemaking of others – means to tame oneself and able to repel these corporeal calls later when a calm decent mind is needed the most in a society full of tribes less libidinous. Thus it is common for Ardem to continuously lock and chastise own flesh outside of dwellings residence to not give in bodily impulses so easily (measures they still enjoy experiencing of course). Moreover, the Church of Thighs is taking care of Ardem whose carnal ardor is endangering even for own kin. They are shaving scalp clean to wear sacrosanct Gimp Garb, and either: surrenders oneself to surreptitious Horny Attics of Thigh Churches where Angel of Love personally drain them of lusthood, or decent into the Forbidden Catacombs of the Golden City to hunt heinous Cult of the Worm… in any case, these Ardem are near to never to be seen again.


Current Population as of Year 1170 of the Age of Aspects: ~200,000,000

Four Great Nations Affinity: Empire of Hips and Thighs > Feet Republic > Kingdom of Tum > Realms of Bosom

Solemn Month: Thightober

Aspect: Love


Av. Height: 169

Av. Weight: 87

Av. Age: 71


Av. Height: 171

Av. Weight: 83

Av. Age: 72

Av. Length: 21

Ardem De

Ardem Va

Ardem Al

Ardem Do

Loyal but Ferocious

Tofar’s most notable physical features are their faintly-poisoned keratin spines, but especially their ominous bone masks. Like deciduous teeth, it breaks and sheds a few times in their childhood, until permanent one starts forming during teenage years. It grows from temporal and mandible parts of a skull, really tight to their skin, with a layer of microflora between – as a way of protection from dirt, dust, infections and diseases that can occur in these hard-to-clean gaps.

Remains of primal and feral ancestors show that ancient Tofar had a much different mask than their modern, specially Noble, descendants. It was longer, with deformed nostril airway in the mask and an actual skull; thicker bones, with sharp teeth and tight-closed jaw; a superficial layer of powerful muscles and skin was covering mask itself as well. Presumably, it was mainly used to bite off big pieces of raw meat and chomp it into smaller pieces before chewing once more in inner mouth. Another use would be as a natural weapon during primal hunting and wars.

Nevertheless, such basic craft as cooking, and then future technological advancements, drastically reduced Tofar’s dependence on their bone masks even for food consumption. After thousands of years it shrinked, exposing mouth, and only basic muscles around still remain. Loosing or even badly damaging mask, hence exposing real face beneath it, is still very embarrassing and shameful experience for Tofar, and they afraid of it more than pain and torture.


As a tribe, today Tofar learn to be devoted to a family, a pack and a nation – obeying orders of social hierarchy, and put interests of a group ahead of own ambitions with a strong incline for self-sacrifice from a young age… and as well they learned about deep-seated aversion towards their tribe, which became mutual, converting them isolationists.

During early Age of Crumbling Tofar kin were driven away from the Sea of Birth and Thigh Region by other tribes, for their erratic brutal nature, high prospects to turn Envious, and especially for indiscriminately meat-based diet – abhorrently, othertribe sistren were not an exception for Tofar during primitive era. As a result, Tofar were one of the first to settle in unexplored far away regions of Her Gorgeousness as a whole tribe, not just as a handful castaway. Most of Them went south, to Her Mountains, founding first settlements there – they were forerunners of Noble Tofar; and centuries later, when they subdued inner primal ferocity, would establish Kingdom of Bosom, alter growing to the Realms of Bosom. Still their views on being civilized and courteous are differ to what most othertribe sistren consider polite and amiable – they are aggressive and ruffian even among Royal family who represent themselves as the best of own kin.

Hair poses specific meaning in Noble Tofar society – higher status members grow it long and fashioning into various coiffures to indicate current sentiment or professional mood: hair gathered in a knob is neutral, a sign of fairness, or an indication of being engaged in important undertaking and not be disturbed for pity reasons; ponytail or single braid thrown over right shoulder is a sign of dominance and command, aggression, self-confidence and libido, or disapproval of circumstances; ponytail or a single braid thrown over left shoulder is a show of friendliness, respect, approval of current situation, willingness to act and cooperate; setting hair loose means exactly that – being free of duties and responsibilities, in which case tilting head left or right is equivalent to what was previously described. It is also traditioned for Tofar who are married, engaged or not looking for relationship to retain at least some visible braids in public.

One of Noble Tofar’s belief, which spread and deepened in Bosom and Waist Regions, is a physical and mental bonds we gain when eat food of the same source: from family eating dinner prepared on the same oven, to a nation eating bread made from the same harvest, but most importantly – all of us are always connected, as we all feed on what is bestowal and gathered from Her Gorgeous body.

Other Tofar, who were fierce and uncultured even for their own people (and still are), discarded themselves far north with other outcasts – they are called Ferals, and they earned this name rightfully at that time. Not a lot of their kind left now – throughout hardships of history many died in virulent swamps, malignant jungles and hot deserts of the Crus, from bane and hunger, by claws and thorns of warped animals and plants, by the Brood of the Crus, and then storms manifested by the First Angel of Candor would take lives of many. Feral’s torment lasted even into current age, until thirteen century, when Tofar Chiefess-great-grandmother Tagara Fohr united hidden clans of her kin before they all shamelessly succumbed to Serpent’s influence. She had the only dream – redemption: to prove her children loyal to Her Light even if animus by other tribes. Today Tagara’s dream is alive, today Feral Tofar are twice proclaimed citizens of Feet Republic, and many are ravenously committed to become Jagers in their mission to eradicate verminous Cult of the Snake which still nest and incarnate in perilous plaguelands: because they see it as their duty to erase from existence these shameful blots of their kin who despicably flocked to a false salvation.


Modern Tofar can be brilliant in mind, well-educated and disciplined, but don’t ask them to focus and participate in activities where significant precision, tidy, recurrence and calmness are required – they still retain bestial temper and such activities drive them really mad. What irritating and vexing them the most, fueling their hotheaded temper, is this modern more polite way of society they reluctantly force on themselves, with repetitive values and artificial prohibitions of own nature. You should especially worry that even so today Tofar control their savagery better than their predecessors millennia ago, they still retain the highest number of Envious and Abominations among Eight Major Tribes, but without culture they abide now it would be much worse.

Abhorred by other and loathe these others, Tofar chose to stay on the same side with them and live the same live as them – not for forgiveness, nor in fears of corruption… but for Meora alone, because they are Her children too, Joyful and Gorgeous like Her. They understand own problem and from young ages they mold themselves to be ready to axe own life at the last moments of conscience rather than succumb to the Envy and betray our Allmother; and they do so in horror of burden and dishonor they leave for sistren if they won’t be in control of own body and thoughts anymore. In best case they go on a Sacrificial Hunt, to seek proper death through fight in hope to take as many heinous procreations of the Serpent with them as they can; those who are too powerful to perish even this way still can ask to avoid feared fate in the most honorable way they recognize – death by breast smothering. In any case they refuse to surrender to Black Capes of Herquisition – doing so regarded as abominable as proclaiming oneself a traitor, which is not far away from views of other tribes.

Nevertheless, Tofar ARE exalted by Meora with the Aspect of Hope, vindicated by Her Light; and so, even the most mindless zealots of Red Capes do not dare to vacuously question rights to exist of not just Tofar, but other envy-pliable tribes as well: if Tofar are blessed with Her Aspect – then still our Allmother loves them, and so She loves all of us with flaws we bear.


Current Population as of Year 1170 of the Age of Aspects: ~120,000,000

Four Great Nations Affinity: Realms of Bosom > Feet Republic > Empire of Hips and Thighs > Kingdom of Tum

Solemn Month: Bustegnis

Aspect: Hope


Av. Height: 175

Av. Weight: 75

Av. Age: 129


Av. Height: 183

Av. Weight: 82

Av. Age: 116

Av. Length: 23

Noble Tofar

Feral Tofar

Frisky but Rambunctious

Due to Mawls’ eyes and oral cavities taking up so much volume in their heads, less space is left for their brains, which makes Mawls… even if it sounds rude – the least intelligent of any tribes. On the other hand high-grade Engifted Mawls are usually more powerful because of low world insight, but for the same reason low-grade Engifted are weak. Too, their lower intelligence makes them least susceptible to Envy and Serpent’s influence, as it is steered into positive side of emotions. It is a rare sight to see a Mawl depressed or angry, few turn Envious, and no known cases of an Abomination. Some people compare Mawl’s mindset to of a smarter puppy: hyperactive – they think fast, talk fast, and move fast, they always restless and never let other to rest, always short on thoughts and pareidolic.

Even so Mawls have just one eyeball, they actually have four optic nerves – one for each end of their X-shaped pupil, and each end can be close independently. Nostrils are located in very corners of an eye, neighboring lacrimal sacs.

Mawls’ bodies are tolerant to harsh weather – can easily regulate temperature and adapt to sharp pressure changes; they can stay physically restless throughout whole day barely tired or out of breath, nor hungry, nor sweating, while narrowly burn through nutrients by recycling used energy and byproducts of inner chemicals reactions; with circadian rhythm lasting for around three days and an exceptionally long lifespan – all these attributed to unique compounds and hormones in their thick bodily fluids, which are toxic and highly hallucinogenic to sistren tribes, but also helpful in medicine (Mawl’s blood for example is often used to complete all-tribe anesthesia, painkillers and antibiotics). In total of four elastic heart-like organs located in each breast and upper thigh to help with fluid circulation and recycling, hence Mawl bodies often look voluptuous.

In general Mawls are the most genial and social of all tribes, but others try to reduce any interactions with them to a minimum, and some actually feel contempt towards Mawls for all troubles and annoyances they usually cause, majority of which are related to chemistry – even Mawls’ diet may include products which are very dangerous to other species, or environment itself, so certain prohibitions exist to prevent possible pollutions (they still can eat common food with no problem after all). Mawl biology is badly compatible with any other, but any health complication while communicating with one can be easily avoided with simple common precaution: it is not recommended to allow them directly contact with your body for too long (especially bright tips of their tendrils), as outer layer of their skin is infused with slow-acting venoms, thus wash your hands or take a shower the same day; don’t communicate and breathe the same air for too long either; nor drink or eat from the same source, and bring your own water if you visit Mawl dedicated districts just in case. In case you neglect all warning – don’t worry, at worst you will just get spaced-out or become mentally impaired for a short time… In case this happens, but you still can think even a little bit, avoid looking in their eyes, it very likely will produce additional hypnotic effect on your brain.

At least microflora is as active as they are, and seldom fatal – most Mawl viruses and bacteria die in a few minutes outside of home biome (whilst foreign invaders and parasites promptly expire in Mawls’ adverse environment).

However there is a dismal fact – almost half othertribe children from Mawl futhers get chronically diseased with Cyan Rot, and with all medical knowledge we have, still no cure was found or was ever close, only a couple tribes are immune; thus many othertribe sistren are avoiding Mawl-intertribe families.


From the first moment you find a place in heart of a Mawl her warm feeling towards you are all true and sincere… same a towards everyone else she meet – because Mawl hearts are boundless and open for everyone. Their minds really can’t comprehend common social and relationship concepts of Meority, not even recognizing personal boundaries: they see all people as member of one great family – as children with thousand parents and parents with thousand children, as never-met sibling-friends with new stories to tell – they want to share love and fun with as many and as much as possible. Because of this social promiscuousness Mawls can’t commit to permanent relationship and quickly forget about them unless you directly involve yourself into their everyday life. Only during mating seasons Mawls realize something about biological and social difference while it lasts, but even Mawl families are usually compared to just a short mutual contract for betterment of raising multiple offspring before everyone in a family part their ways, and children of same biological parents will view siblings in each other as much as in other kids.

Nevertheless, very friendly and tactile, expect Mawls to constantly cuddle, nuzzle and snuggle with you if you are even slightly amiable to them (for health safety keep in mind previous paragraphs); be aware though as some of them easily befriend with you – others as easily to indulge in irritating mischievous and rascal behavior towards you, not from detest but because it might seems fun and gaiety for their frivolous naughty mood. Worry not, they are very weak on sexual and reproductive impulses outside of mating seasons unless directly provoked, but they still might be interested in fondling your splendid body for fun. Moreover you need to understand movements of tendrils on their backs as it is a secondary method of emotional expression, which they can barely control.

Mawls also have an unhealthy interest in fur, wool and hair of other species, which Mawls themselves lack – some might be obsessed with it so much they refuse to wear any clothes but those made from animal fiber unless uniform is hard imposed on them by religious, professional or military standing, but even then they can throw tantrum.

Social problems with Mawls may run beyond just personal relationship. Even if they are full of energy they are not very productive, sometimes incompetent, nor can concentrate on a task and with their short attention span – Mawls are least desirable workforce for other tribes – anything, from administrative to manufacturing; but there still jobs where they are very prominent, like travel and entertainment agencies for their tireless sociability, or dangerous manual labor like deep mining for their adaptability to hazardous environments. Though it is also depends on their personality – they are either can’t get bored doing the same thing everyday for decades, or they get bored in a few days and look for something new to do without warning. In the end they rather prefer to fool around, having fun and work little as possible while celebrating various holidays and festivals they made for every day of the year.

Many believe that solitary Mawl society wouldn’t be as technologically and infrastructurally advanced as it is today, in multitribal world, and the core reason for that would be their mental and physical tolerance to harsh reality of existence and survival, rather than indolence or lesser intelligence – they would just have less reasons to progress in life they already consider delightful.


More than half of their tribe regard the Realms of Bosom as a homeland, mainly because of loyalty to Medali royal family (smarter puppy mindset?). As well it is confirmed by historians that their tribe’s name is given to them by sistren tribes because of a “barking” sound they often do when jolly and cheery.

Maybe Mawls are not brightest in mind, but they understood well their ability to pacify sistren tribes, which they abused to achieve single selfish goal: “Greater Friendship – as She intended”. Mawls are probably the only tribe who never despised or think ill of exiled tribes in primal period. It is always noted in old texts that they felt pity and wanted to make peace with every rejected kin, and reunite them with the rest of joint Meority for this “Greater Friendship”. The best of them were mediators, traveling traders, welcomed bringers of news and peacemakers between various outcast villages and isolator nations – faltering the division during violent times; but worst of them would lead cities and even small nations to ruin by constantly poisoning mind and body of their leaders, if not every citizen, to then control and rebuild unity at least for a time being.

Though, when Aspects were begotten, Mawls were helpful for Herquisition to spread the Word of a New Age and Teachings of Aspects, along with some ideas and worldviews from Mawl’s society being absorbed by early Herquisition.


Current Population as of Year 1170 of the Age of Aspects: ~64,000,000

Four Great Nations Affinity: Realms of Bosom > Empire of Hips and Thighs > Kingdom of Tum >  Feet Republic

Solemn Month: Neckus

Aspect: Happiness


Av. Height: 183

Av. Weight: 98

Av. Age: 234


Av. Height: 181

Av. Weight: 97

Av. Age: 226

Av. Length: 23

Earnest but Callous

Yamervas have multiple rudimentary organs as if they had full-fledged wings at some point, hinting at natural long evolution of extraterrestrial origin, but at the same time they are missing other vestigial features crucial for flying like they never existed at all. Yamervas are the supreme example of a Blessed Evolution, enforced by Joyful and Gorgeous Meora to perfect our bodies in Her image.

And perfected they are indeed. Hunters of the Night – all their senses are refined to make them ultimate predators. From outstanding eyesight to superb hearing; flawless sound and voice mimicry for luring in their prey; and don’t be deceived by lean petite bodies – they are highly muscle-dense and agile tools of death. Yamervas are sapient predators, and it is in their blood – to prey.

Even when Yamerva is not in the mood for violence, not many sistren dares to ill-woe one… when you do so – it is considered a bad omen, literally and figuratively… because they keep their grudges forever. No matter where you hide or how strong you are – they will find you, and they will not let you go alive.

Surprisingly, unlike other predator-ilk tribes, Yamervas detest wearing trophies of killed Serpent’s offspring and traitors even after being purified. They believe that such things are fundamentally corrupted with Evil, and true warrior shall not embellish herself with something so disgusting or risk being tainted in spirit and body. They dislike hiding curves of own bodies in general, prefer to reveal as much as possible, but hide enough from those who do not deserve to see it. Yet most of all, Yamervas dislike sisters who do not appreciate sultriness of own body bestowed to them by Meora, and ruin it.

After all, Yamervas are very proud of their heritage and Exaltation, often feeling discontent towards Aspectless tribes, but putting themselves as high as above all tribes; prefer to surround themselves only with opulence and exquisites, as they deserve. Once Yamervas claim hold on something, be that resources, territory, right for a marriage, or even ideas, they will demand and assert their claim for the rest of their life, for they have a vision of Meority and its hierarchy. Yamervas believe that Meora blesses only the strongest, most loyal, and stoic, and that She seeses every deeds we commit. They don’t believe in defense for defenseless – you don’t deserve what was taken, if it was taken due to your own fragility. Even losing to being outnumbered is considered a weakness with no bother, because you were either too weak to allow your enemies unite, or too weak to overwhelm them alone. As a result they see the War of Vengeance against the Serpent as a true meaning of our society and its progress, and lives of those who do not speak with the language of dominance are hollow and worthless – the weakest link in a great chain She forged to whip the Alleater. They believe that eventually we will face the Serpent ourselves, and we shall slaughter It then on place… and if we perish doing so, than we were too weak – unworthy of existence Meora granted to us.

As well, Yamervas don’t like many moral and civilized concept and formalities from other tribes, almost insular, they see these as stupid and naive. All but lie is justified to attain results for Yamerva: be daring to do so, but not deceit about own past achievements – because truth is the result (and it is almost impossible to lie to Yamervas). Still, they can respect and honor agreements, be that personal promises or national accords, they do hold off their self-interests; but be wary, that breaking an agreement is considered an abominable insult.

Like many other egg-laying mammals Yamervas posses holistic way of thinking, accentuate on functional relationship of subjects. Culturally Yamervas are highly solitary, territorial, brash and possessive people; they are unsympathetic self-centered individualists, but with strong sense of personal accountability, owning all decisions they make – good and bad.


As egg-laying mammals Yamervas have a decent (three-fourths) fertility rate of eggs; generally a single clutch incline to have two eggs, less often – three. However, they bear a demographic problem in female ratio.

As a result of a very low female population (in some periods it was as low as one to thirty) Yamervas manifests sexual dimorphism very expressively, aiding in greater chance of survival for females – they grow bigger than futales, with higher muscle density, stronger bones, and sharpened shrewd as a defensive traits. Alternatively, futale genitals are disgracefully small in flacid state, but in erect state they engorge proportionally large to female bodies rather than their own, which requires great amount of blood – a process very much weakening futales, preventing them from forcing female into mating when she not desires, and alike preventing them from refusal when she demands. As well is very much noticeable difference in size, ornamentation and coloration of plumage: it is visually regressive for females – where they are born with colorful feathers like futales, but are getting dull and dark as they age, helping them to blend with natural environment; while futale plumage stays bright and vivid even when senile, which they continuously care to keep chicly for the female contemplation.

Matriarchy and polyfuwary is a common societal traits among Yamervas. It is a propensity of futale to entice and convince female from another Herpi-Clan to be allowed into her harem as a Valkyrie. With gifts of prosperity, by achievements of the hunt, through show of strength and beauty – all to proof for a prosperous life and fair genes of a future progeny; but sometimes it is for harem’s chief Valkyrie to decide if a new partner is worthy of a time and honor to join, and continue her bloodline with their beloved. Once bond is made and eggs are laid, it is likewise solely futales’ liability for safety and well-being of hatchlings, together as a solid clan; physically and mentally female is protected by her Valkyries to ensure her longevity and fertility. Too, Yamerva females are forbidden from participating in personal scuffles and great battles alike, or better say – they are debarred by their beloved Harems, who will not wary to use force if needed – it is a humiliation for a Valkyrie to be banished from a Harem, but it is even greater ignominy to loose a Wife, and so one risk outweigh the other.

Of course with so many spouses the Wive has no time to tend them all everyday herself. She would find paramours from other tribes for her harems’ sexual relieve, temporal or permanent, for when she has no interest; sometimes she would allow her beloved to find personal concubines, unblessed with the Gift of Creation of course to prevent unwanted intertribe children, unless she desires more future servants for Herpi-Clan; or everyone’s pride simply will be restrained until she needs them. In other cases harem Valkyrie assist each other, or the weakest omega will be subjugated for everyone’s relieve.

Under pressure of high competition it is not rare for young Yamerva futales to consider an alternative of joining Harem and look for a personal wife not among own tribe. Of course sistren kin of subservient tribes are always glad to offer themselves to bear a child conceived from a seed of Eight Sacred Tribes, which Yamerva futales treat more like a despair from a lowborn. Though after maturing a little bit more they are craving return to natural competition and fight again to earn honorable place as a Valkyrie.


From the moment they seen first Jealous Beasts, Yamervas found their true purpose, and it didn’t change since then. Today they breed bellicose Herpi-Clans through every land of Her body, be that for official Jager service in Fortress Cities of Southern Continent, or to become Rogue Jagers ignoring reprimands of Herquistion. Especially many Herpi-Clans live in Feet Republic, close to where parasitical Brood of the Crus still gnawing at Her plagued wound. Too, they join Fleet of Feet – to take on Sea Hunts, even if Predator’s perfection of theirs bodies are less useful in the Ocean, but compensated by modern tactics and technologies.

Early Yamerva migration history was not unique. They would settle with sistren of other tribes, primarily as chief hunters and warriors, or install themselves a settlement leaders. With overall population growth they would start to drift and scout unexplored frontiers for Meority, being first to map her Gorgeousness in details for future expansions, finding what already settled tribes couldn’t, and fancy settling far away where they can feel serenity without annoyance of other sistren. Late in the Age of Crumbling Yamerva clans became migratory in face of the Hegemony threats (and even after its fall for some time), but eventually modern world rendered this lifestyle obsolete too. However, it is a tradition of some Herpi-Clans to vacate in vast steppe expanses of the Great Thigh Plateau or plaguelands of the Crus, to attempt a primal-style journey and test themselves as true primeval predators they are born – as the Hunters of the Night.


Current Population as of Year 1170 of the Age of Aspects: ~68,000,000

Four Great Nations Affinity: Feet Republic > Realms of Bosom > Empire of Hips and Thighs > Kingdom of Tum

Solemn Month: Kneevember

Aspect: Candor


Av. Height: 181

Av. Weight: 80

Av. Age: 125


Av. Height: 151

Av. Weight: 59

Av. Age: 94

Av. Length: 22

Blissful but Frail

Except for their hardened limbs and heads, Zemali are really fragile and cautious people. They live, move and think slower because their bodies can’t endure too much prolonged pressure and stress that are normal for sistren of other Tribes. Even bodily fluids are slow and thick.

Zemali bodies are synthesis of flesh and fungal trama – puffy parts are lightweight and squishy-soft on touch; thick skin isn’t very elastic and can be easily damaged physically (much less thermally), smooth, covered in very short and soft trichomes, weakly fluorescence; skeletal structure in their torsos is mostly made of something similar to cartilage rather than bones; even nociceptors are simplistic, to reduce plausible discomfort or pain. Muscles are stiff and tight but easy to grow and hard to lose mass (though Zemali stay relatively weak), moreover their bodies are very low on any kind of fats. On a good side they have really strong immune system, and not many common viruses or parasites are interested in Zemali, as well wild animals and insects ignore them (which is attributed to calming earthy-tomatoe odor of bodies); hardly susceptible to long-term low-level emissions and many toxins; can rapidly regenerate tissues in response to injury. Brain incline to have eidetic memory and strict circadian rhythm. It seems like Zemali are also never in danger of starvation: during primal aridification and famine decades Zemali were falling into hibernation, not growing but surviving for years without food, yet barely active even to think and realize when famine season ends.

Being closer to trees not just visually, but mentally too. For their unhurried nature Zemali never had adventurous spirit, and for their vulnerabilities – they are still least dangerous warriors. They are neither in a daily chase for personal glory, nor seek great life goals to attain. Zemali take pleasure in humble life of tranquility and familiarity, welcoming outsiders who would join to Feasts of Harvest and holy celebrations they do in the name of life and fertility. They don’t speak nor laugh there of course, but soft music and reveling sounds are present. Often Zemali houses celebrate together under the nearest Temples of Fertility where remains of previous Angels of Grace are sheltered, and on some marvelous days anew Angels of Grace themselves would join to contemplate results of their previous lives.

Very polite and benignant, they can easily take offense as small as at improper language, but will keep genial composure even with people they greatly hate. Zemali in general act overly-pacifistic – they easily forgive old enemies, very few of them have any desires to experience anything extremal, and for aggressive tribes they look like cowards. As Aspect of Grace teaches, Zemali too feel pity for criminals and traitors: not because they want to forgive them, but because they can’t be forgiven anymore and deserve punishment, though even more pity they show to sistren who now must deliver these punishments.

However this fragile state don’t last forever. A process similar to transdifferentiation happens when they reach elderhood: skin and bones get harder, muscles – denser; they grow bigger and heavier; mindset become belligerent, cruel and competitive. Such elders can’t be considered weak even by standards of other tribes. There is no strict limit on how much Zemali can grow, but eventually their bodies shut down when even Elder’s powerful immune system can’t maintain vastly progressing internal malfunctions. Today, as the result of an all-sides progress and social stability in the world, Zemali can live safer and therefore longer than in previous generations, thus much more of them surviving until becoming Elders.

Zemali don’t bury nor treat bodies of deceased the same way other tribes do, partially because decay their flesh is odorless and drying: deceased just laid open on the ground deep in forests, head against a tree foot to feed its growth. As a result some thickets you see from afar might be Zemali Cemetery Forests.


Elderhood of course is not the first time in Zemali’s life when they transform: when born, their leaflings look like cute leafy four-legged caterpillars. After a few months of proper feeding little body overgrow with even more leafs which start to glue to each other, forming a cocoon. Inside that cocoon for another month, through metamorphosis, little Zemali grow proper bones, limbs and heads, until old leaves fall off.

Biology is heavily affected by surrounding environment and growth conditions during childhood. That, horn shape and color of leaf-hair depends on the biome where Zemali grew up, as well as developing their tolerance to local climate; while adults can show only slight changes in coloration after decades. Peak height as well affected by local environment, but even more by a balance of hydration and nutrition level relatively to that environment.

Surprisingly, Zemali prefer raw animal meat and insects in their died, but even more they like… fish… likewise they enjoy a cup of animal blood instead of juice. Most of plant-based food tastes bland, they say, unless fried almost to the black. Though any heavily burned meal is appealing to Zemali tastes, funny that they dislike fire.

As all true children of Meora should, Zemali retain artistic love for gorgeous bodies and erotic poses, but sex drive is very low among them – Zemali view it only for reproduction rather than physical pleasure; yet experience of romantic love is in high regard, and mating ritual possesses great importance for them, providing mental enjoyment from the fact of act rather than physical sensation.

More than a half of Zemali are under condition where their vocal cords are either dysfunction or don’t exist at all, but those who can speak are perceived by sistren tribes as monotone and plane. Because Zemali learn sign and hip language first, it is now used in their culture more often than spoken language even by kin without vocal disabilities. Zemali are in general not fond of noise (and big artificial lights), so almost all of them live away from big cities and rely less on recent flashy technologies.


Before even First Settlements were drowned in the Sea of Birth most of Zemali ancestors, together with the Giants, migrated to the southern Thigh region of Her Gorgeousness, more fertile and stable lands where Crumbling was less common and stressful. There they were able to save knowledge of agriculture long enough for it to survive primal Age of Crumbling and later be improved by sistren tribes. However, for being soft in mind and body, after the Giants left to the Cursed Islands, villages of Zemali would be very often invaded, plundered and conquered during primal wars and in continuous centuries. During the Hegemony reign Zemali were the only subdued Tribe who had some peace, which is ascribed to the fact that [REDACTED] didn’t even consider Zemali as living beings and therefore had no interest in their suffering as long as they kept plowing on fields and feed their Empire.

Although Zemali population now spread and live in every region of Her Gorgeousness, thousands of years later many descendants of first Zemali migrants still inhabit Thigh region, never thinking of leaving home lands. Massive farmlands and orchard in The Empire of Hips and Thighs belong to various houses of Zemali, for they are the ones who can heed to needs of plants and earth the best. Their fingers can perceive chemicals produced by vegetation – a sense through which they understand current condition of plants they care about, while feet can perceive soil amenities. Through this understanding Zemali can aid trees and crops with natural means in precise ways, and find better fields for different plants, hence achieving greater harvest than that by agriculturalist of other tribes. Although help of sistren tribes is still required to efficiently gather results.

Because of these abilities Zemali actively assist Remedy Forces as well, even if not blessed with the Gift of Creation. Especially around the Crus they still help to heal and pacify wild vegetation of Her Plagued Wound.


Current Population as of Year 1170 of the Age of Aspects: ~72,000,000

Four Great Nations Affinity: Empire of Hips and Thighs > Kingdom of Tum > Realms of Bosom > Feet Republic

Solemn Month: Thiccpril

Aspect: Grace


Av. Height: 215

Av. Weight: 85

Av. Age: 140


Av. Height: 223

Av. Weight: 92

Av. Age: 148

Av. Length: 28

Temperate Biomes

Cold Biomes

Humid Biomes

Torrid Biomes

Fervent but Contrite

Founders of Herquisition.

Shunai are warm-blooded Mammal-like reptiles; mostly mammal than reptile. When matured a tough plate-like carapace, similar to some sort of exoskeleton, covers most of Shunai bodies, for exception of a front neck, armpits, palms, inner thighs, buttocks and base of the tail. Soft frills and scutes are Phosphorescence and can glow bright with vivid colors for hours. Heat from these frill can be used for communication, since Shunai can perceive light in infrared spectrum like some other reptiles. Nictitating membrane also retained.

Unlike other egg-laying mammals Shunai females rarely lay eggs and mostly Ovoviviparous, but sometimes incubation period can be overdue; eggs themselves are alike big bags, with soft leathery shells.

Sense of smell is heavily developed for direct communication, which (in addition of tough facial skin) regressed Shunai facial muscles and making them look visually less expressive. Two sweating pheromone sacks hanging from each temple, emitting considerably mild odor, with array of tones only Shunai olfactory senses can fully perceive. However, understanding and learning different scents you can still identify is important before visiting place highly populated by Shunai. For example: if you smell some tones of citrus with garlic or dirt – is a hostile sign; weak honey or cheese tones are friendly and hospitable; if you smell fresh plums, especially when it so strong you can taste it on your tongue – is great sign if you are into reptiles.

Shunai minds are gullible, confiding and submissive. They are frank in actions and relationship, never trying to deceive or mislead others, but as well they are susceptible to different ideas and can be easy to manipulate with lies and deception. If not reflect upon by themselves or not reminded by closest kin quickly enough Shunai can be effortlessly swayed in their worldviews, therefore trust, truth and cooperation are highly regarded. As a result of this known mental wiring many Shunai are very paranoid and pedantic, frequently reject any type of progress until it is deliberate and pre-planned. Even new friendships requires a lot of checks to be passed before fully embracing them.

Very collectivist – family and community bonds are strong and reliable among this tribe; it is common for new generations to engage in succession of service and follow many-century-long family traditions, but also result in heavy nepotism and less meritocracy, especially among youngsters who defer to elders and their experience. At the good side Shunai accept punishment as a group too, not just a family, but superiors and subordinates also feel guilt for preventing mistakes of others; and not many of them are looking for personal enrichment, but more commonly they desire for purpose and to appreciate results of their work as a reward itself when they see it beneficial for sistren in Meority, thus value understanding of own role, limitations, fit in larger system. Shunai can reject greater responsibility with even greater awards if they believe themselves to be more beneficial where they are. It is a social mentality carved as a result of events from the past.

Though it is hard to push them to violence as they are favoring compromise and cordial, Shunai can choose absolute brutality when it is inevitable; and when it is inevitable they prefer to crush an adversary to the point where there is never will be another threat from them, for they don’t want to choose violence again. Of course it doesn’t include traitorous sistren.


Not unexpectedly from the founding tribe of Herquisition order, one emotion that surely inevitable and never changed since Age of Crumbling is their blind hatred towards Envious. A rage that can’t be comparable to scorn and disdain other tribes feel towards faithless fallen sisters. And that rage grows even more when Shunai see a reflection of what their tribe was close to. Even when they are forgiven by Meora herself, and blessed with her Aspect as a proof, they still feel guilt and disgrace for actions of their ancestors – stranding away from Her Light, making Her weep in a Legacy of Regret.

As a tribe, Shunai history from the Age of Crumbling is… dark. Results of that history is what shaped social mentality they bear today. Being closest allies to [REDACTED] of the Hegemony – it is replete with aggressive actions, partakings in Crusades and other ill deeds which Shunai themselves don’t want sistren tribes to forget, nor be forgiven by them. They hope to never be expiated for actions of their parents and what Sorrow they brought to Her and dear Sistren.

But if Allmother absolved Shunai of sin, and blessed them with an Aspect of Honor, then why should we blame them for the past? Especially when they do all in their potential to remedy that past? Especially when all that foul is bygone and out of mind for people who live today?

What happened is that from the beginning of time Shunai felt a profound shame towards own bodies: their feet are not as elegant and delicate as of Meora, their buttocks is hidden by a massive tail, lay of their muscles and abs is hidden under tough carapace and their bosom never grow sizes impressive enough. A shame so deep they regret to be Her children, and even now they still regret to be blessed with Her Aspect.

Such self-shame was so easily to exploit and push Shunai to contemptible actions. They were mislead by [REDACTED] to believe otherwise, that their tribe is an embodiment perfection, just a step below [REDACTED]. They were mislead to believe that other tribes are disgusting in mind and ugly in body, not deserve to be called sistren, only merely servants to a true beauty. Worst of all, they were deceived to unbelieve in existence of our Allmother, her Gorgeousness and Joy…


Shortly after the Grievous Strife started Shunai were unsurprisingly betrayed and abandoned by the Hegemony, to be used as a meat shield against other tribes who were rightfully enraged at them for malefactions of past. Yet, unlike for [REDACTED], it was not through death others wanted deliver their retribution upon Shunai, but through enthrallment of an entire tribe and subsequent derogation.

Descendants of survived Shunai are abated, fearing to lose the precious gift of existence Allmother granted them. They were chained, used and abused by the former subjugated. Too, their own mind was perverted to belief such existence is all Shunai were created for – to be mere thrall of greater beings. Yet through the grace of Meora, they were kept in shackles for barely more than half a century and were reprieved when the first Angel of Honor was said so.

When the Grievous Strife ended and a new age begun, Shunai tribe was still traumatized, and therefore their minds surmised it as their fate and duty to forever serve begotten Aspects, as apostles spreading their words and erecting their ideas into live – an eternal punishment they shouldered on themselves, never to be reimbursed. From construction of the Empyrean and Angelic Lodges to maintaining of Herquisition order. However considering personality nature of Aspects, public doubt if anything that was built by Shunai are truly wishes and demands of Aspects, or exalting delusions grown from Shunai guilt (for what they did before) and zeal (for what they believe they should do from now on).

From the laws of Herquisition, to needs of sistren tribes; from the Commandments of Aspects, to comfort of the family – today Shunai are passionate, punctilious, and subservient people, seeking beauty in senescence of existence, living life for the cause to make world thrive, and for future generations reap results of their labor endlessly. They covet to make Meority prosper, be that through an aid to the Faithful or eradication of the Envious.


Current Population as of Year 1170 of the Age of Aspects: ~72,000,000

Four Great Nations Affinity: Kingdom of Tum > Empire of Hips and Thighs > Feet Republic > Realms of Bosom

Solemn Month: Tumtober

Aspect: Honor


Av. Height: 164

Av. Weight: 80

Av. Age: 107


Av. Height: 156

Av. Weight: 73

Av. Age: 98

Av. Length: 20




































“Females wear pants, futales wear skirts.”

Meoctal is the main numeral system for Meority in both spoken and written language, as the Eight is Her holy number, is Her holy symbol, representing Joy and Beauty, Integrity and Continuity. Though some other numeral system were tried to be introduced, but they are barely used outside of a task they were Designed for.

For example there was a so called “Decimal” system – last an only known users were long extinct tribe. Two main differences is: “ten” was the base of this system, which is greater than eight by two digits (so an additional digit symbols was created) and you write digit Zero with other digits to represent Decimal radix (instead of giving radix its own symbol like we have in Meoctal, where Zero is nothing, and its symbol represents nothing, so it is used nowhere else).

Here are examples of differences in writing Decimal and Meoctal radices and numbers close to them:

10 = 8

20 = 18

30 = 28

40 = 38

41 = 41

42 = 42

100 = 78

101 = 81

102 = 82

110 = 88

111 = 111

112 = 112

120 = 118

130 = 128

140 = 138

150 = 148

151 = 151

152 = 152

200 = 178

201 = 181

202 = 182

210 = 188

211 = 211

212 = 212

1000 = 778

1001 = 781

1002 = 782

1010 = 788

1011 = 811

1012 = 812

1100 = 888

1111 = 1111

1112 = 1112

A major reason why Decimal system certainly never would survived is how rooted Meoctal is in our language. When we say Century or a Meter – both would mean 64 in Decimal instead of a “100”, while a Millennium or a Kilometer would mean 512 instead of a “1000”, as a result complicating comprehensions and calculations of common information for very few users of Decimal system.

One of the most important sciences in our multirtibal world, which sustain stable Meority, is the merging knowledge of Health, Medicine and Psychology to a single science of Tribiology. From Chemical restrictions and diet distinction to natural viruses and bacteria transmissions; from mental compatibility to behavioral conflicts. Understanding of biological differences of such massive tribe variety, their psychological and physical everyday interaction with each other, prevents disasters of extensive levels.

Love between members of two different tribes is not uncommon, and for some of them too it is possible to conceive a child. Though it is requires a tremendous luck under special circumstance, but child is always be of Mother’s tribe.

It all comes down to the Gift of Creation, bestowed to us by our Joyful and Gorgeous: the greater mother’s Gift, the greater her love for her partner and passion for their future progeny – the greater chance for successful conception. Exceptional vitality of Engifted readies mother’s egg for unnatural fertilization, and subjugation of reality radiating from withing her transforms othertribe haploid to a more suitable kind, allowing two incompatible gametes to unite.

Futher’s action barely affect the result, be she Engifted or not.

It is safe to tell that no fundamental biological changes or complication happen with intertribal children in general, there are no known chronic or mortal diseases and illnesses besides othertribe children of Mawl futhers, who have a chance to be born with Cyan Rot,

Long Multi-generational Intertribal maternity is also not explored, but the exceedingly notable and tremendously reassuring example would are Bonfure-Terfar, Tofar royal family of the Realms of Bosom: after more than a thousand years of Diarchy breeding with Medali family of Mawls they did not degrade physically nor mentally, the only changes are color of their fur, which today is silver with blue shadow, and no more cases of Cyan Rot in centuries.





















“Standing straight on its legs… mouth open wide beyond mouth itself… and there is more of them all over her body… sharp teeth everywhere… I don’t hear her speaking… but I know I can smell her words… they reek of deep see, of a rotten fish… Is she mourning? Or praying? Or cursing? She screams, never whispers… word of Anger and Rage and Hate and Malice…Blasphemous words denigrate and disparage Joy… and light… all colors… its shining from every orifice… As bright as the scream itself… But it is not beautiful light, it is ugly… fake… perversion of Her Light… it is gooey, thick as tar… she spitting it… and berries grow inside same cavities, they discharge sweet colorful oil… she offer to eat one, to lick some… I will scream too… but I am already deaf – made myself… I can still taste her spit… I can still hear her…”

Cursed murmurs of a Martyr 1531, let her repentance and sacrifice be the forgiveness for past betrayal; Eight times rewritten and purified by Herquisition; describing unholy visions of a High Abomination of the Cult of Carp.

Cursed image of a High Abomination of the Cult of Carp; Eight times redrawn and purified by Herquisition; First depicted by a Martyr 1531, let her repentance and sacrifice be the forgiveness for past betrayal.

It is… Ooou It is! It is an apparition of a snake, with many feet… but not feet they are… it is a mockery of gentle beauty… crooked twisted toes – like a centipede this snake is… infinite pairs… crawling in perilous mist… It is crawling… and with each step a fusion of metal and flesh pierce through its prey, melding with it… not thorns, but gnawed nails… and snake dosns’t devour, nor prey is dead… …how egoistic… snake enjoys this pain! Aaoo pain! flowers grow on a pierced body – in its mouth, in its eyes… nose and ears too… and from wounds and skin itself… and petals of these flowers are same as petal that fill empty eye sockets of the snake, and crown its head – fingers, toes, nails… long, pox-colorful, scrawny, twisting, wicked toes… Always trying to grab onto something… scratching on skin… Oouo! How selfish they are, these fingers… Snake smiles, its laughs! Its prey laughs too now… In agony to please that creature! Let it bite you… Let it feast… let it penetrate with all of its fists! Ahaaa-ha-ha!”

Cursed murmurs of a Martyr 1219, let her repentance and sacrifice be the forgiveness for past betrayal; Eight times rewritten and purified by Herquisition; describing unholy visions of an Abomination of the Cult of Snake.

Cursed image of an Abomination of the Cult of Snake; Eight times redrawn and purified by Herquisition; First depicted by a Martyr 1129, let her repentance and sacrifice be the forgiveness for past betrayal.

Her body is wiggling like a worm, gently suspended in the air… or… no, it is motionless, like time is nonexistent… But roots… I see them move under her skin… I see them growing from her body… Hundreds? Thousands? Millions? Infinite? Roots… spreading like a web? It grows in every direction, spreading into everything and claiming for itself… the manifestation of own Greed she is… Mushroom grow on these roots… Faces grow on these roots… Eyes are mushrooms…mushrooms are eyeS… tears are worms… A see an ocean of umbral tears under her feet… moving… the eyes… They always watch, they always look for… and when they find – more roots crying from these eyes… now they look at me… all of them… I sense hunger, bottomless appetite… I can’t hiiiiide! They know I exist! THEY WANT ME NOW!”

Cursed murmurs of a Martyr 914, let her repentance and sacrifice be the forgiveness for past betrayal; Eight times rewritten and purified by Herquisition; describing unholy visions of a High Abomination of the Cult of Worm.

Cursed image of a High Abomination of the Cult of Worm; Eight times redrawn and purified by Herquisition; First depicted by a Martyr 1141, let her repentance and sacrifice be the forgiveness for past betrayal.






01/10/2024: Added “The World > Gift of Creation > Classifications / Forbidden Knowledge and Manipulations of Biology“, “The World > History > Progress of Meority along the Gift of Creation”, “Forbidden Archives > Cursed Visions > Cursed Murmurs 914/1 and Cursed Image 1141/2″ and “Tribes > Eight Sacred Tribes > Shunai”

29/09/2024: Updated “Tribes > Eight Sacred Tribes > Tofar”

12/09/2024: Updated “Tribes > Eight Sacred Tribes > Tofar” and “The World > Meography > Solar Map”

01/09/2024: Added “Tribes > Eight Sacred Tribes > Zemali”

27/08/2024: Updated “Tribes > Eight Sacred Tribes > Ardem”

13/08/2024: Added “The World > Gift of Creation > Gift of Creation / Engifted Grades / Inert and Resonants”

10/08/2024: Updated “Tribes > Eight Sacred Tribes > Ardem”

01/08/2024: Added “Tribes > Eight Sacred Tribes > Yamervas”

16/07/2024: Added “Forbidden Archives > Cursed Visions > Cursed Murmurs 1219/1 and Cursed Image 1129/4″

29/06/2024: Added “Tribes > Eight Sacred Tribes > Mawls”

07/06/2024: Added “Tribes > General > We, from Her Womb / Eight Sacred Tribes / Subservient Tribes / Extinct Tribes”, “Society > General > Tribiology and Intertribal maternity”

31/05/2024: Extended “Tribes > Eight Sacred Tribes > Tofar”

16/05/2024: Added “Tribes > Eight Sacred Tribes > Tofar”, “Society > General > Meoctal Numeral System”, “Forbidden Archives > Cursed Visions > Cursed Murmurs 1531/1 and Cursed Image 1531/1″

02/05/2024: Added “The World > Meography > Solar Map”

23/04/2024: Extended “Tribes > Eight Sacred Tribes > Ardem”

21/04/2024: Added “Tribes > Eight Sacred Tribes > Ardem”

05/04/2024: Added “The World > General > Meorenell Map” and “Society > General > Common Dress Code”

04/04/2024: Added “The World > General > Calendar Year” and “The World > Modern History > Penultimate Day”